Why software development?

I’m of the mind that there are as many reasons one decides to learn software development, as there are persons deciding to do so.

The appeal for me is that information and technology touches everything, more now than ever before. I can explore all of my passions, hobbies, and creative talents… all by way of code. I can create change in the world, and reach out across all barriers… because of code. It is the most universal language there is, and language opens all the doors, to all the kingdoms.

That is why I have chosen to pursue software development. My specific interests are with Blockchain Technologies, Cybersecurity, and Gaming Development.

The seed was planted long ago, all the way back to childhood. I remember clearly my first exposure to a computer… watching graphics appear on the screen, and getting to interact with what seemed like a smart being, living inside this box. I was a kid of course, so this was pure magic to me!

From that moment, I always wondered how much information machines could hold, what they could be taught, and more importantly, who would be doing the teaching.

Over the years, my curiosity and enthusiasm for all things related to technology and information never waned, but I remained an end user… a spectator.

I always harbored fantasies of being a programmer, that perfect intersection of cool and smart.

At some point in the last decade and a half, I decided I could make that dream a reality. I acquired different books (that came with CD-Roms), and tried to teach myself. I didn’t really know enough then, to know what to look for, or what a good point of entry would be, so my first foray into development started with HTML.

Without having much context, or direction, I didn’t get very far in my instruction. I made some cool projects, and acquired a decent amount of tech savvy, but the general aimlessness didn’t take me where I had wanted to go.

And yet… the dream persisted. More and more websites provided tutorials and learning materials, and I found myself on many tracks, learning even more than I had before.

This still wasn’t enough though, and I knew I needed to get serious about it. I finally found what I was looking for, and have begun that journey I started in my mind so long ago.

Here’s to many happy adventures in code and magic!